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In 2009, JV LLC «Sakhalin-Shelf-Service» purchased affiliate company LLC “Sakhalinremflot”.
The main activity of LLC “Sakhalinremflot” is production, supply, maintenance, repairment and inspection of offshore containers (there are more than 2500 containers of 30 different types, serviced by the company), delivery and inspection of marine and general purpose slings, as well as any possible rigging equipment, repairment of supply vessels of drill platforms , fabrication of different metal structures including those for lifting of oversized cargo and other equipment.  

LLC  «Sakhalinremflot» is certified based on quality standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 è OHSAS 18001:2007.
The company has certificates and permits of Russian Marine Register on all stated above works: 
· Certificate of recognition of containers and slings manufacturer company by Russian Marine Register.
·  Certificate of recognition of containers repairment company by Russian Marine Register.
·  Certificate of recognition of testing laboratory by Russian marine Register.

LLC  «Sakhalinremflot» has all required documentation and resources: professional personnel, areas and special buildings, technical equipment and measurement devices. Total area of open and covered storage areas is more than 15 ha. Also there are operational shops (rigging, welding, painting, lathes, blasting camera) provided with all necessary equipment and instruments. Professional experienced constructors work in the department. They develop, make calculations and design different nonstandard structures.

The company has an experience of cooperating with «Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd» (“Sakhalin-2” project operator), «Exxon Neftegas Limited» (“Sakhalin-1” project operator), «Femco-Management», «ÎSCA Kaspian», «Gazflot», «ÊÑÀ Deutag Drilling», «Lukoil – Nizhnevolzskneft».
In 2012, LLC “Sakhalinremflot” experienced repairment, servicing and equipping semisubmersible drilling platforms “Polar Star” and “Severnoye Siyanie”  .