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History of company’s development

Dynamic exploration of Sakhalin shelf started in 1990 and, in relation to it, there was a need to provide onshore support of such operations.   
In 1997, JV LLC “Sakhalin-Shelf-Service” was founded to provide such support services.  The main company’s activity was onshore support services for offshore oil and gas fields’ exploration on  Sakhalin shelf. At that time, it was absolutely new type of activity in oil and gas sector not only on Sakhalin, but in Russia as well.

Year 1997.
Shore Base was established in Korsakov Sea Port for Exxon Neftegas Limited. It supported exploration drilling operations for “Sakhalin-1” project and transshipped major part of cargo for Chaivo OPF.  At the moment, the Company continues to maintain these facilities.

Year 1998.  
Shore Base was organized in Kholmsk Sea Port to support 1st stage of “Sakhalin-2” project.   
For its successful operation,  bottom dredging was made and it allowed ice-class vessels with 8,5 meters draft to call in the port. As a result, the Shore Base supported all-year round functioning of “Molikpaq” platform.   

At the moment, JV LLC “Sakhalin-shelf-service” provides specialized on shore port services for all projects, involved in Sakhalin shelf exploration.
Year 2002.
In close cooperation with “Sakhalin Energy” we established Shore Base on the territory of former Kholmsk Fish Port to support the 2nd stage of “Sakhalin-2” project (Kholmsk, Northern Harbour). In a year and a half we made total reconstruction of port infrastructure:  repairment of berths, operational facilities, bottom dredging, removal of wrecked ships. 

So, instead for totally ruined Kholmsk Fish Port Sakhalin Western Sea Port appeared. It is the most modern port and the only specialized port on Far East used to support oil and gas projects.

On September 14th, 2003 the first batch of pipes was accepted for “Sakhalin-2” project.  Within the next three years, SWSP provided continuous, qualitative and safe acceptance and handling of more than 500 thousand tons of pipes, other materials and equipment for “Sakahlin-2” project.

SWSP became the deepest port of Sakhalin and may pass vessels with deadweight up to 10 tons, draft 9 meters and length up to 130 meters. Since 2005, SWSP has been functioning as integrated shore for “Sakhalin-1” and “Sakhalin-2” projects.   
Year 2004.
JV LLC “Sakhalin-Shelf-Service” started cooperation with “Elvary Neftegas” – alliance of NC “Rosneft” and “British Petroleum”. The work was done under “Sakhalin-5 “ project to support marine exploration operations in the only northern port of Sakhalin Region – Moskalvo.
Year 2006 .
The Company built its own Shore Base in Moskalvo port to support “Sakhalin-5” project and other Sakhalin and Far East shelf exploration projects. Significant volume of repairment and upgrade works needed to be done in the port.    
JV LLC "Sakhalin-shelf-Service” started supporting Veninskiy Block exploration works under “Sakhalin-3” project, implemented by NC “Rosneft” in cooperation with Chinese company “Sinopec”.
Year 2008.
Magadan Shore Base was established in Magadan Trade Port for “Kamchatmorneftegas” company, which did exploration drilling on West Kamchatka Shelf.   

Year 2009.
JV LLC  "Sakhalin-Shelf-Service” starts close cooperation with LLC “Gazflot” (since 2014 was renamed as LLC “Gazprom Flot”) providing the company with Shore Base to support marine exploration works in Kirinskiy Block under “Sakhalin-3” project on Sakhalin shelf.    
Year 2014. 
In record breaking time, only within 6 months, JV LLC “Sakhalin-Shelf-Service” established Shore Base on Lavna berth in Murmansk for LLC “Karmorneftegaz SARL” and thus contributed into the success of exploration drilling in Kara Sea. Nowadays, Murmansk Shore Base is the main platform for further exploration of oil fields of Russian Arctic.   

In the nearest future, JV LLC “Sakhalin-Shelf-Service” is planning to repair drilling and other special equipment,  bases to support maintenance companies, servicing drilling works, drilling wells and testing industrial wells.  Also JV LLC “Sakhalin-Shelf-Service” intends to build special testing laboratories.  It will be the step on new level of complex services provision in oil and gas industry, which implies unification of different types of activities of all companies, involved in oil and gas industry of Sakhalin Region. 

The first serious step to success in this direction was construction of drilling equipment maintenance technological facility, which was handed over for operation to LLC “Schlumberger Vostok”.  Nowadays it is the biggest and the most modern technological center of “Schlumberger” company in Russia.   

In the nearest future, JV LLC “Sakhalin-Shelf-Service” is planning to repair drilling and other special equipment,  bases to support maintenance companies, servicing drilling works, drilling wells and testing industrial wells.  Also JV LLC “Sakhalin-Shelf-Service” intends to build special testing laboratories.  It will be the step on new level of complex services provision in oil and gas industry, which implies unification of different types of activities of all companies, involved in oil and gas industry of Sakhalin Region.   

The first serious step to success in this direction was construction of drilling equipment maintenance technological facility, which was handed over for operation to LLC “Schlumberger Vostok”.  Nowadays it is the biggest and the most modern technological center of “Schlumberger” company in Russia.