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Waste treatment

In relation with globally increasing level of environmental awareness and strict requirements of law, JV LLC “Sakhalin-Shelf-Service”  made it mandatory to follow such requirements, showing its careful attitude to environment. Deep analysis of existing environmental problems showed that the situation around production and consumption waste needs urgent solution.  That is why major part of operational process is devoted to waste treatment.

The company may collect, accommodate, transport and hand over for further treatment waste, generated as a result of company’s own activity as well as those waste generated by other companies.  Only special licensed waste treatment companies are involved in this work.   
JV LLC «Sakhalin-Shelf-Service» has license for collection, transportation, processing, neutralization and disposal of I-IV hazardous class waste.   

JV LLC «Sakhalin-Shelf-Service» may treat the following waste:

  • Used mercury lamps;
  • Used batteries; 
  • Used oily liquids, oils and mud; 
  • Materials, contaminated with oil (rugs, filters, sorbents); 
  • Polymer waste; 
  • Used vehicle tires and other similar products; 
  • Solid domestic waste, package materials, wood and food waste; 
  • Drill waste; 
  • Ferrous scrap and other waste.

Company’s personnel have attended special training courses giving right for hazardous waste treatment. It is confirmed by relevant certificates.