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Vessels’ agency services

Company’s logistic and agency services department was established to develop logistic and transportation schemes for cargo delivery and provision of vessel agent services.

Our vessel agents have many years of successful experience and know all port requirements. They make quick and professional decisions, which let ship owner save time and finance.

The agent doesn’t only fulfill all requested works but analyses their quality in accordance with international standards, timely informs all involved parties about vessel processing and time of readiness to call out.

By taking into consideration customer’s concerns and using an experience of shelf projects supporting , the agent provides such services, which can significantly reduce ship owner expenses.

The services are provided in the following ports:

  • Kholmsk,
  • Korsakov,
  • Murmansk,
  • Moskalvo,
  • Nabil terminal,
  • In the other ports of  Russia and abroad for the vessels, whose agent is JV LLC “Sakhalin-Shelf-Service” and where the company has supply bases to support shelf projects.

Construction and repairmen works
   Since 2010, JV LLC «Sakhalin-Shelf-Service» is included in the Association “Sakhalinstroy” – the first and the only union of builders on Sakhalin.
Certificate of Self Regulating Organization gives right to provide construction control of the following works:  

  • General construction works;
  • Wellhead completion and location construction;
  • Water supply and sewage system ;
  • Heat and gas supply and ventilation system;
  • Fire safety ;
  • Electrical works;
  • Construction, reconstruction and overall repairmen of oil and gas industry facilities;
  • Hydrotechnical and diving works.
Company’s specialists also provide construction supervision of highly hazardous and technically complicated capital construction facilities.